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I've always had to fight with being overweight and to keep my weight under control. I worked out a lot and tried to eat as healthy as possible but kept undermining my efforts. I found two different mp3 s on Pam's website and asked which one felt better for me. She recommended the emotional eating vs. the weight loss. After using it for a few months I have found that I'm able to feel now when I'm eating because I'm stressed out instead of being hungry and it has been easier to stop, and don't eat late at night. I have lost some weight but the best thing is that I can now choose to do something other than eating to calm down and feel better. R.M.


I have been playing Pam’s Clutter Removal mp3 the last several weeks (360 times so far) and am so pleased and excited with my progress. Five years ago, I moved into a very tiny apartment to make ends meet and have been living amongst boxes and sacks filled with my coveted yarn collection and bookcases stuffed with my cherished books.  In these past weeks, I have managed to: (1) give away my dining table which was taking up way too much room, (2) weeded out many of my books (given to the library for their monthly sale) and (3) organized my yarn into storage bins and stacked them in my hallway out of sight.  It is just amazing how all of the sudden I have a living room.  I still have a ways to go but my mind is now sweetly coaxing me to start paring down my stuffed clothes and storage closets.  I have been able to solve what seemed like an impossible task with effortless ease. J.R.


Testimonial for The Past MP3:  I have been playing The Past mp3 pretty much non-stop for the last couple weeks and have observed the following changes (so far): I am no longer spending time playing old tapes in my mind from my previous marriage (I’ve been divorced for over 20 years) and the old tapes from a relationship that was over in the 70's have also disappeared.  Even if I go into the crusty pockets in my mind, there just doesn’t seem to any bad memories there.  Wow!!  Seems like I am finally going to be able to get on with my life!If that wasn’t enough, I am starting to keep a neater house!  How cool is that!!  RJ  in CA

I have been overweight for the last 18 years and have tried EVERYTHING for resolving my weight issues.  I have been playing Pam’s mp3s (weight loss and emotional eating) on Itunes virtually every day all day long (over 400 times so far) for the past 2 weeks. The first week, my mind started talking about getting a plan so I got out all my past plans and picked the one that seemed like it would work the best for me (modified cabbage soup diet found in The Rice Diet book by Norvell) and getting some exercise. Next, my mind pleasantly started working my plan – I methodically bought all the fixings and got everything ready for staying on my plan.  Even though it has been beastly hot this week, I have quietly stayed laser-focused on my plan (A.D.D. me staying on my plan – what a hoot!).My reward for the week?  I have lost 3.6 pounds!! Going into the second week on my plan, I have already purchased the fixings for another batch of soup and am getting ready to grill my chicken tenders.Overall, I can tell the tapes are working because the negative chatter is disappearing and positivity and planning has taken its place in my mind.  Whew! How cool is that?! KS in CA

Like Pam, I am an Energy Healer and consider myself to be experienced and a tough critic!  I have tried the MP3s and am in love with them, I enjoy them while meditating, at the office, in the car, at night while sleeping, and have had remarkable results, my meditations are deeper and easier, my work mates are more relaxed, I find that my stress level in traffic is less. Thanks Pam for making them so easy to access!! Blessings, M.L., Newport Beach

Pam, you are really amazing! I've been listening to the mp3 for about 2 weeks now. I feel so much more peaceful and calm, and physically I've been feeling great! A lot of things that would have bothered me in the past just seem to have no effect anymore, and that is something to be very grateful for. Thank you for everything!! This really, really works and makes a great change for the better in my life.
Love and Light,  TR in CA


Contact Me  

cell/text:   949 525 2870  pacific                                                          time                                                                                                     Thank you for your interest. If you would like email notifications of workhsops, teleseminars, free energy clearing gifts, and future endeavors please fill out the  contact form. Your information will not be sold or given to anyone.   

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Remote Sessions
I’ve been very grateful to be part of Pam’s weekly healing program since 2016. I feel that her weekly healing program has helped peel away layers of emotions that I’ve held back for years. Often on the day she does her clearing, I’ll have a moment later in the day when I notice my spirits lift and I’ll think “Oh right! Pam worked on me today”. Also, for 12+ years now I’ve had periodic private sessions with Pam during which she is work miracles with resolving friction between family members and others in my life. She is uniquely gifted with using the framework of Family Constellation and energy work, to resolve underlying tensions and triggers between people on the spiritual plane. Long-standing stubbornness and friction has changed to openness and ease in my relationships with her healing energetic work. I really appreciate Pam’s help in this way. Especially with my stubborn senior father in regards to my parents’ estate and I am grateful. M.K. in VA
Phone Sessions

I had the most amazing release of family line entanglements today. We tackled why I am still single, what was keeping me single and the reason. We went back about 3 generations of pain, frustration and fears. Not only did these entanglements block my love life, they even reached into my career success. Later we cleared my career success to entanglements that also went back over 3 generations. It was absolutely amazing, within 5 minutes I feel like a deep seeded black block weighing 100 pounds has released. I am lighter, happier, peaceful, my depression is gone and my emotional eating has stopped. I am so grateful that this method works, and that I am no longer tied to ancestral garbage I have no idea existed! C.K.


Pam Booth was instrumental in getting me through the most difficult time of my life. She is kind, patient, compassionate, and delivers messages with candor. I appreciate that she has always been there for me when I needed her most. Not only is her approach unique, but she also gives great advice and supports other efforts I take to heal (I've found some practitioners can get territorial). I am eternally grateful that I stumbled across her work and now consider her a good friend." --L.S. 


Pam is absolutely AMAZING!  I've had great results after our healing sessions and would HIGHLY recommend Pam to anyone, but most especially to energy workers and healers out there.  These sessions cut through so much stuff that a lot of us in this field are still dealing with,
and the results are simply fantastic.  You owe it to yourself to finally get clear of whatever's holding you back. I would personally like to thank you again Pam, for finally getting me "unstuck"!  You really are AMAZING, and VERY patient!!!  Thanks, TR from CA

WOW where to begin!!??? Pam has been instrumental in helping me put my life back on track.  Her amazing intuitive skills and ability to clear blockages in one’s self has resulted in enormous shifts in my business, personal, and physical life.  I am greatly indebted to her as she has been like an Angel and helped me immensely. She is one of the kindest human beings I have had the pleasure to work with.  JF from Canada
I could feel the shift immediately after the session. Long standing issues were cleared and I had a sense of relief and awe. I knew when it was happening that my old reactions to the situation were gone. My responses were more appropriate for the situation and completely differently from my historical responses.  The shift is apparent. You will know It.    KC from CO
Pam is amazing!  She is inspiring and supportive on my journey through life.  Her talents as a Yuen practitioner are unique, profound and meaningful which distinguish her from others in the same field.  The work I've done with her is powerful.  I am blessed to have had the opportunity to work with her.  Thank you Pam!                            EG from CA   

“…I didn't realize until after the work you did on me how empty I had previously felt, too. I feel much more "whole" and complete and haven’t resorted to some of the subtle negative self-talk that I think was on loop in my head before. So, improvements all around! I will likely be in touch again for a follow up with related or unrelated matters. Thank you--I finally feel like there is some light at the end of the tunnel!”  LS from CA
I just wanted to give you some follow up since our phone session. First off I am doing so much better in ways where I think I can pin point your help. I do feel changed which has caused an emerging of a more confident person who has been MIA for most of this life! I am not saying I am perfect now within myself but I am saying the changes going on are all positive and moving forward towards that. Anyway just wanted you to know your abilities have made a positive impact and I am sure there is more unfolding to be done.  LM from CA

Pam is the gift that just keeps giving!  I have always lived my life that what goes around comes around.  So what does it mean when a series of "bad events" come around?  Why do "bad" things happen to "good" people?  Sometimes it just doesn't make sense, or so I thought until I met Pam.  She was able to help me figure out and then clear some old belief structures that had been passed on to me not only from my mother but grandmother as well.  After clearing/understanding why I couldn't seem to get things to stay "good" for very long, it shifted.  After just one session I have been able to refinish a commercial condo and then lease all the space within 30 days!  Now 6 months later I am about to achieve a goal that I have had for 19 years.  Being able to trust in myself, being able to ask and receive help when needed and allowing myself to feel the joy (and not feel guilty) of my achievements. Thanks Pam for the clarity and understanding that has helped me move from feeling like a victim to feeling "the Power"!  BT  from CO

I've known Pamela Booth for many years and she has pursued her career of Energy Work and inner self-awareness with a passion.  She has personally worked on my energy for clearing blocks of old family stuff, self-esteem and money.  I have noticed more peace around these issues including more confidence with myself around money, more clients showing up in my business and more peace around relationships with my family history.  I can confidently recommend Pam to assist you in moving through any issues or blocks in any area of your life.        ST from CA
They say a story can be told a thousand different ways, and while writing this particular story that's what stumped me. I had it all down, but kept changing things back and forth, getting lost in the process. I hate to admit, but this process went on for a very long time. I started to wonder if I would ever finish it. Pam helped to clear the channel, unblock the blocks, and after a few days everything made sense and I could see the story once again, and this time finish it. Thank you, thank you, Pam for all your help.   AV from CA

Pam Booth's private sessions assisted me in many areas in my life. I had been emotionally and mentally stuck for years in a few areas in my life. In one session I know we Healed and moved through into a new paradigm of living. This work is Original, Powerful, Healing, and Transformational~ I look forward to the new life that awaits me now !
In Gratefulness,  CM from CAm a

I had a Soul Healing session with Pam about a month ago.  After the session, I felt lighter and more peaceful, like I didn’t have any problems.  Looking back over the last month has been interesting.  I haven’t spent time rolling around all my old scripts (you know, all the things I should have said to my ex (actually both of them) and all the things I should have said to my brothers all those years ago, and the list goes on).  It is so freeing.  It also seems like I am lighter (and less dense).  Amazing how all those unresolved relationship issues and hurts weighed on my mind and body (my shoulders especially).  Now I seem to be happily living in present time.  Whew!  Not sure what I was expecting from my session with Pam but I surely am beyond pleased with the results! J.R.


I took Pam's clearing workshop at the Awakenings store.  At the beginning of the workshop  I had no idea of what was going on so I just went with the flow.  I felt the energy in the room becoming more relaxed and decided to let myself go.  What an experience, I absolutely LOVED IT!!!  I definitely felt that Pam's presence and energy lightened the issues that were bothering me.  The intensity of those issues decreased immediately and has been gone ever since.  After the workshop I had so much more energy and my happy energy was back. It is amazing how great I felt during the following week.  Two weeks later other issues slowly started to cause unease but they are different that the ones she worked on or different aspects, definitely another layer.  I can't wait for another workshop. The private session after the workshop completed the process.  I am so thankful I found Pam.  The workshop and private follow up session are well worth it. I am telling everyone about her. Thank you Pam.   RB Massage Therapist, CA
Pam Booth has been an extraordinary force that has propelled me rapidly forward in my journey of healing, spirituality, personal freedom and power.  Her clearing workshops and private sessions have released a lifetime of limiting beliefs, blocks and past life fears that kept me from truly loving myself and achieving the abundance that I deserve and am worthy of.  Most recently we did soul retrieval work and I cannot express in words the freedom, joy, peace and contentment I have experienced since.  I am no longer afraid of anything.  I am complete and whole for the first time in my life.  The power is unexplainable.  There is nothing that I cannot be, do or accomplish now.  Pam you are a beautiful soul and I am so grateful to God for allowing our paths to cross.  Keep sharing your gifts with others, the world needs you.  Namaste,              LK from CA
They say a story can be told a thousand different ways, and while writing this particular story that's what stumped me. I had it all down, but kept changing things back and forth, getting lost in the process. I hate to admit, but this process went on for a very long time. I started to wonder if I would ever finish it. Pam helped to clear the channel, unblock the blocks, and after a few days everything made sense and I could see the story once again, and this time finish it. Thank you, thank you, Pam for all your help.        AV in CA

I've known Pamela Booth for many years and she has pursued her career of Energy Work and inner self-awareness with a passion.  She has personally worked on my energy for clearing blocks of old family stuff, self-esteem and money.  I have noticed more peace around these issues including more confidence with myself around money, more clients showing up in my business and more peace around relationships with my family history.  I can confidently recommend Pam to assist you in moving through any issues or blocks in any area of your life.             ST from CA

I could feel the shift immediately after the session. Long standing issues were cleared and I had a sense of relief and awe. I knew when it was happening that my old reactions to the situation were gone. My responses were more appropriate for the situation and completely differently from my historical responses.  The shift is apparent. You will know It.    KC from CO

Pam is amazing!  She is inspiring and supportive on my journey through life.  Her talents as a Yuen practitioner are unique, profound and meaningful which distinguish her from others in the same field.  The work I've done with her is powerful.  I am blessed to have had the opportunity to work with her.  Thank you Pam!                                       EG from CA          

WOW where to begin!!??? Pam has been instrumental in helping me put my life back on track.  Her amazing intuitive skills and ability to clear blockages in ones self has resulted in enormous shifts in my
business, personal, and physical life.  I am greatly indebted to her as she has been like an Angel and helped me immensely. She is one of the kindest human beings I have had the pleasure to work with.
JF from Canada


© 2014 by Pam Booth all rights reserved. Do not duplicate without permission.

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